
Yoga is a deep practice with roots in Southeast Asia. The Vedas, a sacred Hindu text, contain the oldest known references to yogic practices and teachings. The Upanishads also make reference to hata yoga, meditation, philosophy and the nature of Brahman. The Bhagavad-Gita lays out 4 types of yoga with a great emphasis on meditation. The Yoga Sutras outline the 8 limbs of yoga of which mediation and movement practice are only 2. Often, in the western world, folks will only use the term "Yoga” to refer to the movement practice (asana) and perhaps meditation and breathwork. We learn from these sacred texts that Yoga is much more. It is a deep, contemplative practice that aims to help us order our lives and thought patterns in a way that honors our whole being - to “citta vrtti nirodha” or to gently shepherd the activities of the mind to the present moment. I aim to honor the roots of yoga, to keep it accessible, to share it’s stories and lineage and help you to take your practice with you in all you do. I promise to continue to deepen my understanding of Yoga, it’s history and roots, to continue my work of decolonizing the practice and working to keep my offerings welcoming to all folks. I am open to learning and growing! If you have ideas and suggestions of how to keep our practice together deeply rooted and at the same time more inclusive, please reach out! I would love the opportunity to learn together! To join our community practice, check out my patreon page or watch for seasonal classes and series.